Using your riches to leave a philanthropic legacy may be as simple as establishing a foundation. You may make a difference in the world, be recognized for it, and save money on taxes. The Internal Revenue Service recognizes a private foundation as a type of tax-exempt charitable organization (the other is a public charity).

A foundation is a charitable organization that is usually established by a single contribution. A foundation is meant to endure in perpetuity without the need for additional money, even if the donor continues to finance it. The foundation is administered by trustees who invest the funds, and the proceeds from the investments are subsequently utilized to finance charity activities. 

Private foundations can either create their own charities and finance them with grants (a “private operating foundation”) or use those funds to fund other charities (a “private operating foundation”) (“private non-operating foundations”).

You can deduct your gift to a foundation if you donate to one. There are also additional tax advantages. There is no financial gain when you give a valued asset to a fund. You can claim a charity deduction for the full market value of appreciated shares in publicly listed firms. In most cases, these gifts do not result in the application of estate taxes. 

You may even offer some money to family members by having the foundation reward them for their efforts. In order to qualify for these advantages, you must be willing to make annual gifts totaling at least 5% of your net investment assets. Additionally, foundations are subject to a 1% to 2% excise tax. 

A foundation may be the ideal choice for you if you want to immortalize your name via philanthropic contributions.