Misconceptions Surrounding Life Insurance
02 Dec, 2019
Want to know all about the misconceptions surrounding life insurance? If you’re curious, click here and don’t forget to subscribe.
Is it better to invest inside your IRA or outside your IRA?
20 Nov, 2019
Is it better to invest inside your IRA or outside your IRA? Find out in this episode of Rich & the Bull! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:
What your broker DEFINITELY doesn’t want you to know about mutual funds!
18 Nov, 2019
Find out what your #broker doesn’t want you finding out about #mutualfunds in this episode of Rich & The Bull! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel!
Bitcoin is ‘ALL THE RAGE’ | Here’s the facts…
24 Oct, 2019
Here is an episode you won’t want to miss! Rich & The Bull discuss Bitcoin and gives you important facts about it. Don’t forget to subscribe & share!
Why Wall Street is like a Casino!
19 Oct, 2019
Would you believe us if we told you that wall street is like a casino? Watch this to see if we can change your mind! Don’t forget to like & subscribe to our Youtube channel!
The Matrix Retirement Solution
02 Oct, 2019
Learn more about the matrix retirement solution with Fortune DNA. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or give us a call. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our Youtube channel!
The Financial Concepts We Learn through the Game of Monopoly
26 Sep, 2019
We all love the game of Monopoly… but did you know there are REAL financial concepts we can learn from playing it? Find out more by watching our video. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!
Warren Buffet’s Secret Tax Free Retirement Planning Strategy
19 Sep, 2019
Want to learn Warren Buffet’s secret tax free retirement planning strategy? Watch this right now!
A tax that NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT | “The Phantom Income Tax”
12 Sep, 2019
Have you heard of this phantom income tax?? I bet you haven’t! Tune in to this episode of Rich & The Bull to find out what tax we are talking about. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!
How to Spot an Investment Scam
09 Sep, 2019
Want to learn how to spot an investment scam? Watch our episode of Rich & The Bull to find out! If you haven’t done so already, make sure you subscribe to our Youtube channel!
How Losses Vastly Affect & Kill your Retirement!
22 Aug, 2019
Fortune DNA has the most advanced affordable asset protection and tax strategies available to YOU anywhere in the country. To get a little insight on how we can help advise you, watch our video on how losses vastly affect and kill your retirement. How can you fix this issue?
The Best Way to Hold Title to Real Estate
11 Aug, 2019
Are you keeping up with our video series? This episode features the best way to hold title to real estate.
The #1 Killer of Your Retirement
27 Jul, 2019
Do you think you know what the #1 killer of retirement is? Click the video below to find out! Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel if you want to think like the #rich and sort out the #BULL:
Why Most Structure Groups are no more than being a ‘chop shop’!
10 Jul, 2019
Have you been keeping up with our Rich & The Bull episodes? Watch our video on why most structure groups are no more than being a “chop shop.” Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to get notifications on our video series!
Do I need a living Trust- What You Need to Know!
26 Jun, 2019
Millions of Americans die each year without any type of estate plan in place, and this forces their families into the court system, where they experience huge expenses with probate and significant time delays when they would rather be mourning.
How to Avoid a Nasty April Tax Surprise
14 Jun, 2019
Nick Fortune is one of the leading tax strategists in this country, and in this video, he explains what you know need to know about the new Trump Tax Plan. Bottom line, most tax planners do not understand the new tax code changes or have the time to educate themselves in these changes.
About Rich & The Bull, Nick Fortune – Who are these guys?!
12 Jun, 2019
Find out what motivated us [Rich & Nick] to create the Rich & The Bull Show… we are going to tell you WHO we are, WHERE we came from & WHY you should watch the show.
Who is Rich and The Bull? WATCH ME FIRST!
24 May, 2019
Welcome to the first episode of the Rich & The Bull Show! Please subscribe now so you don’t miss our next episode! We are excited to announce that FortuneDNA is providing an educational video series available to EVERYONE discussing strategies & plans “to help you THINK LIKE THE RICH and sort out THE BULL – so you can make smart & sound financial decisions.”
Spendthrift Trust
16 May, 2019
A spendthrift trust is a trust where the trust property is protected from its beneficiary’s creditors. Generally, the requirements of such a trust is that the trust is irrevocable, the beneficiary has no control over distributions of property from the trust, and in most states, the beneficiary of the trust cannot be the same person as the grantor. These concepts can be combined with dynastic trusts so that it protects a family’s assets (or an individual family member’s assets) from potential losses from law suits, divorce, and estate taxation.
How to Create the Perfect Accounting System for YOUR Business!
14 May, 2019
Your bookkeeping system is the financial heart and lifeblood of your business. When set up and operating properly, your books help you make smart decisions and seamlessly turn your financial data into useful information.
How You Can Learn From High-Profile Tax Scandals
13 May, 2019
The recent college admission scandal involving Lori Loughlin (who played Aunt Becky in the Full House TV series) and others is shedding light on just one way people allegedly cheat on their taxes.
What You Need to Know About Trump Tax Law
13 May, 2019
Watch The Video Here
You Know You Need Tax Planning If…
11 May, 2019
Effective tax planning helps you make smart decisions now to get the future outcome you desire — but you need to make sure you don’t miss anything.
Business Succession
09 Apr, 2019
When one business partner dies, that deceased partner’s portion of the business transfers to their heirs, usually the spouse. In small businesses, this means that death of one partner means that the surviving partner is now in business with the spouse.
Asset Protection Tips
05 Apr, 2019
There’s a gambling saying that goes something like, “If you want to be a winner, you have to walk away from the table a winner.” One time-honored method of reaching this result is to systematically take your chips off the table as you win them, so that your potential for losses stays small.
Best Way To Invest Money To Make Money
03 Apr, 2019
What is the best way to invest money to make money? This video covers some ideas that you can use to invest your dollars for a better return. With over 25 years of investing experience, Nick Fortune of Fortune DNA is a sought after expert for investing strategies.
199A Deduction for Rental Real Estate Investors
28 Mar, 2019
Unless you’ve been hiking through the Amazon jungle for the past year, you have most certainly heard about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (effective January 1, 2018). Furthermore, if you own a small business or own real estate, the topic of the 199A or 20% pass-through deduction has crossed your mind, or at least your email.
Those Who Fail to Learn from History are Condemned to Repeat It
25 Mar, 2019
Sir Winston Churchill said, “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”
Why Haven’t I Heard of an Investment Grade Insurance Contract?
09 Mar, 2019
Recently, many financial advisors have started to recommend using investment grade insurance contracts to supplement retirement savings. This unique savings vehicle has changed the way advisors around the country view insurance contracts.
If You Think Probate Costs are Insignificant… Think Again
06 Mar, 2019
If you think probate costs are insignificant… think again. For example, Elvis Presley left a $10.2 million estate. But probate costs were $7.2 million, leaving only 28 percent of his estate for his heirs. A worse example is Marilyn Monroe who left an estate worth more than $1 million that took 18 years to probate, leaving just $101,000 for her heirs after the lawyers and others took their fees.
Seven Keys to Successful Retirement Plans
05 Mar, 2019
Given still-low yields and the ebbing away of pensions, retirement planning today is much more challenging than it was even 20 years ago. Christine Benz discussed the keys to crafting a retirement portfolio that’s well-balanced, tax-efficient, and low-maintenance at this past year’s money show. Listen to her share some model portfolios populated with Morningstar’s high-conviction mutual fund and exchange-traded fund picks in this recorded podcast.
Intestate Facts
26 Feb, 2019
Did you know? If a person dies without any effective estate plan, we say the person died “intestate.” Essentially, it is the default estate plan for someone who doesn’t have an estate plan. Each state has its own laws for distribution of an estate of a person who dies intestate. Under laws of intestacy, an intestate decedent’s assets are distributed to family members based on their closeness to the decedent by blood relation.
What Is An Investment Grade Insurance Contract?
22 Feb, 2019
An investment-grade insurance contract is an insurance contract that allows you to not only invest your money without having to pay taxes on its growth, but can withdraw it when you need it, also without having to pay taxes on the withdrawal. That means you can put your money away, make interest, earn interest on your interest, and not share any of it with the government as it grows.
It’s Recession Time Again: How to Profit When the Dow Drops
14 Jan, 2019
After an expansion that lasted nearly a decade, the expansion that began in 2009 looks like it’s finally hitting the wall. The stock market has run out of gas, interest rates are up, the bond curve has inverted, trade policy is anybody’s guess, the left is ascendant politically, and the public and private debt is rising faster than it ever has.
Parents’ Estate Planning
09 Jan, 2019
Parents’ estate planning concerns change greatly once their children become adults. To a large extent, parents have survived their children’s challenging adolescent years and begun watching them live their own lives. Parents may want to help their adult children start new businesses or help provide for grandchildren.
5 Annual Tax Essentials
21 Nov, 2018
The more things change the more they stay the same. This is especially true when it comes to reviewing your tax situation. Mark your calendar to review these essential items each year to ensure you are not missing something that could cause tax trouble when you file your tax return.
What is Probate in Estate Planning?
26 Jun, 2024
What is Probate, and Why is it Important? The question above is commonly asked, and yet to answer it we must first break the question down into parts. As such, the first question to ask is, what is probate? According to the American Bar Association , it is “the formal legal process that gives recognition to a will and appoints the executor or personal representative who will administer the estate and distribute assets to the intended beneficiaries.” From there, things can diverge from state to state. During probate in Florida , the decedent’s assets generally pay for the proceeding’s cost, the decedent’s funeral expenses, and any outstanding debts, with the remainder distributed amongst the various beneficiaries. Furthermore, the proceeding only applies to probate assets, which are those that are owned solely by the decedent at death, or by the decedent and one or more co-owners without a provision for automatic succession of ownership at death. So, for example, a life insurance policy payable to the decedent’s estate is a probate asset, whereas a life insurance policy payable to a beneficiary is not. Where things become more interesting is when considering what is deemed a probate asset. Firstly, if there is a valid will, it will be admitted so the court can transfer the assets listed therein to the named beneficiaries. If there is no will, a probate procedure might be necessary to transfer the probate assets to those entitled to them under Florida law. In Nevada , the procedure for when a will is lacking or invalid is called Administration. Moreover, in Nevada, if the value of assets exceeds $20,000 or real estate is involved, then probate will be necessary to distribute the assets. There are various exceptions to these guidelines, depending on the circumstances of each case. These exceptions are not available to pay debts, and it is the attorney’s responsibility to identify these assets to the court. Of course, some elements of probate make it cumbersome, or even undesirable. Creditors can access your assets, and there are no tax benefits. Furthermore, the probate process can be lengthy, particularly if there are complications. The possibility of challenges is also present, which is probably the last thing you would want your loved ones to have to deal with. And on top of everything else, the entire process is public for all to see. Surely, there must be a better way… And there is. Probably the best example is trusts, which are subject to probate only in the sense that the court will see that there is a trust, and set it aside. The trust remains private, and, depending on the type of trust, is shielded from creditors. The assets are passed to the trustee(s), who is/are tasked with distributing the assets to the named beneficiaries. Some trusts even offer tax advantages. Perhaps the most beautiful part of trusts is their flexibility. They can take multiple forms and serve various purposes, and if done correctly can truly set up the decedent’s loved ones in the best possible way. Learn More About Estate Planning Asset protection is the best way to keep your wealth secured for you and future generations. Find out more about estate planning and how The Second Estate can help you secure your family’s future.
Investment Grade Insurance Contracts
19 Jun, 2024
What is an Investment Grade Insurance Contract? An investment-grade insurance contract, or IGIC, is a type of insurance that allows you to invest your money without paying taxes on its development while simultaneously allowing you to utilize it when you need it without paying taxes on the money you spend. This means you may save your money, earn interest, and earn interest on your interest while just sharing a small portion of it with the government. You can also leave it to your heirs without having to pay taxes on it. So there are no taxes as it grows, no taxes when it is distributed, and no income taxes when the death benefit is handed on to your heirs.